Thursday, 5 December 2013
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Thursday, 21 November 2013
We went down the power mech hallway and listened to the janitors discuss liquor prices at the border, and got caught staring at a group of girls in the front of the school. We probably listened to each group for 30 seconds.
I learned that the janitors like to get alcohol from the states. This gives me a new perspective on employees in the school. Personality is revealed through conversation by how ppl talk and emphasize things.
When more then two people converse the conversation jumps around a lot changing mood, plot and personality, the most surprising thing I learned about the way people are is that janitors have lives outside of school, who knew?
The differences between written and spoken language is that written is harder to provide mood and visual perspectives, while speaking makes it easer to tell stories the way they are supposed to be told because you can lower your voice speak slower or fast or louder.
Pov 25, 3 character tweets
Unable to cope with this #missher @thefather
Don't worry kiddo you're not alone @flyinbrian
Trying my hardest but she was my first love #notfair @thefather
I understand that and I agree, it's not fair #mybabygirl @flyinbrian
Just wish I was there to save her @thefather @policedprtmnt
Me to big guy @flyinbrian @policedprtmnt
Don't you worry our police force is gonna do everything we can to find this murderer @flyinbrian @thefather
Thx @policedprtmnt
I just heard news that I am a suspect to my own daughters death #areyoukiddingme @policedprtmnt
As you must understand that at this point everyone is a suspect @thefather
No this is absolutely ridiculous I'm livid @policedprtmnt have you hear about this Brian @flyinbrian
No I haven't! There is no way I've known this man my whole life this is ridiculous @policedprtmnt
I understand that you are angry but you have to understand the precautions that we must take @flyinbrian
My girlfriend was murdered and your worried about taking down the father #greatjusticesystem @policedprtmnt @thefather
Dont worry Brian I understand what they have to do @flyinbrian @policedprtmnt
Don't worry I'm gonna find who really killed Amanda #detectivebrian @thefather
I appreciate that @flyinbrian
Sir I think it would be best that you just stay out of this one #letthepolicehandlethisone @flyinbrian
Stay out of this? Clearly you guys don't know how to deal with this so I think I might intervene @policedprtmnt
Brian they are right let the police handle this one @flyinbrian @policedprtmnt
No! I'm gonna do what I have to do to bring down the person who kille my love
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Quickwrite - Monster at a bus stop
The other day when I was headed to the bus stop for school, when I saw a scary creature sitting there. I aproached the creature And sat beside it as I sat there awkwardly eating an apple as all you could here was the crunch of the apple between my teeth. Then I started to smell something really funny, It was a very rotten smell that was stingin my nose, I looked over at the monster beside me only to realize he was a rotten banana eater. He continued to reach into his pockets pulling out really moist soggy foot smelling bananas. I just sat there until the bus finally came, as I was getting on I looked back at the monster and he was gone.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Character POV Tweets
1. I cant make the pain go away #wantittostop
2. That awkward moment when you wake up and you have no idea where you are #whereami
3. Confused about what the big fuss is about #whathappened
4. This hospital bed is killing me #gottagetoutofhere
5. Seeing alot of flashbacks #thegoodolddays
6. This whole seeing my past thing is getting creepy, its gotta stop #creepedout
7. Starting to question if I am alive or dead #whichoneisit
8. Those memorable moments playing basketball with your dad in the driveway when you were a kid #takemeback
9. Just found out I was shot point blank #dayruiner
10. I absolutley love my parents #alwaysthereformewhenIneedthem
11. Trying to remember what happened #cantdoitforthelifeofme
12. Its all starting to unravel #thetruthisfinallycomingout
13. Woke up this morning feeling better then I have in a while #why
14. That moment when you remember what happened during your accident. #bestfeeling
15. Since that day I woke up in the hospital bed my lafe has changed dramitically #stickinwithmeforever
2. That awkward moment when you wake up and you have no idea where you are #whereami
3. Confused about what the big fuss is about #whathappened
4. This hospital bed is killing me #gottagetoutofhere
5. Seeing alot of flashbacks #thegoodolddays
6. This whole seeing my past thing is getting creepy, its gotta stop #creepedout
7. Starting to question if I am alive or dead #whichoneisit
8. Those memorable moments playing basketball with your dad in the driveway when you were a kid #takemeback
9. Just found out I was shot point blank #dayruiner
10. I absolutley love my parents #alwaysthereformewhenIneedthem
11. Trying to remember what happened #cantdoitforthelifeofme
12. Its all starting to unravel #thetruthisfinallycomingout
13. Woke up this morning feeling better then I have in a while #why
14. That moment when you remember what happened during your accident. #bestfeeling
15. Since that day I woke up in the hospital bed my lafe has changed dramitically #stickinwithmeforever
Quickwrite Pics
Quickwrite - $5 island
Since I was sold my very own island for $5, clearly there must be something wrong with it. Is there a serial killing family who lives there? or is it home of King Kong? I think that it was sold to me for so little because there is a scary monster who feeds off human flesh, he only attacks when youre sleeping and can smell you from a mile away. It is probably a combination of king kong and a serial killing family! its a serial killing monkey family! the way I figured this out was by taking 3 friends to this island to explore when we started to see corpses and blood every so often which eventually led us to a scary path. We followed this path all the wway to then end and when we reached it, thats when we saw them, they arecurrently holding us captive in their cave. I am telling you this story from my handheld device which they have not discovered yet.
Quckwrite - Minions
If I had a set of minions for a week I would make them cook me keg quality meals all day every day. They would form a minion mobile that i would drive to school and would pick up all my friends for me. Every day before hockey they would blow dry all my hockey equipment so it was fresh and dry. I would make them go to all my work shifts I had during that week and would not pay them a dime. At the end of the week I would attempt to sell them for 100 bucks a minion. after they were all sold I would be left with 1000000 dollars to my name and would be set for the rest of my life.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Six word memoir #8
These are 2 of my best friends And there's nobody I would rather play hockey with. The text connects so well because it ties everything together and helping imply that we are more then just linemates. The effect I used was to focus in on us standing there so it singles us out from the rest of the guys on the bench.

Six word memoir #7
This is my highschool student id, I think that the text connects with the image really good because highschool is the est time of your life and you have to make the most of it. I chose the colour and te font because I think it brings the words to life and just makes the text feel how it should feel, warm and loving 

Sunday, 10 November 2013
Six word memoir #6
This is a picture of my dog duke on the first night we had him. We got him on New Year's Eve 2 years ago. I think that the text connects great with the picture because he may be the cutest dog I've ever seen, and how could you ever be mad or mean to that little face. I chose the font and colour because I thought that it gave a warm happy Ora to the picture. 

Six word memoir #5
This is a picture of my truck after I got some new rims put on her. That truck has been a huge part of my life, you could say I love her. I tried to edit this picture so everything surrounding the truck was blurred out so you got a nice close up of the truck. I think the text connects great with the picture because that truck is my pride and joy and everyone loves that thing, it's not just a huge part of my life, it's a huge part of all my friends to. 

Six word memoir #4
This is a picture of my best friends on Halloween wearing girl tights and masks. That's a true friendship. I think I connected the words really well with the picture because it really describes the friendship. I chose the font and the colours based on trying to make everything tie in with the green costumes and because the font was literally called "ninja". I also think the text helps give a certain idea on what kind of people we are. What kind of people do you think we are?

Six word memoir #3
This is a picture of me doing the usual as a baby, nothing. I love the font I chose because it gives that childish affect because it's so original. I think that the text connects great with this picture because it's a great summarization of life as a kid. You literally don't care about anything and those were the good old days. The only reason I chose the white colour for the font is because every other colour was hard to see, it doesn't have any meaning or significance

Six word memoir #2
This is a cute picture of me dresse up as a clown on my first Halloween ever. The text I chose to use is supposed to sarcastically imply that it's a funny costume and I shouldn't be wearing that. The image and the words fit perfectly together because it's a goofy picture and a goofy choice of words. The editing technique I chose to use was contrasting because I wanted to make the costume pop out at you(even though it's pretty hard to miss).

Six word memoir #1
I thought that the picture matched perfectly with the text, it clearly gives off the impression that I love hockey. I chose to make the picture black and grey because I wanted to emphasize the text. I tried to make the font similar to the for on our jerseys to kinda help bring everything together in the picture and I chose blue for the text because it is a significant colour in our school logo.
Photo taken by JJ Ali Photography

Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Reading Tweets #2
1. Curious to see if they are going to make a movie about this book #Theprfctshot #BookorMovie
2. Where is his mind taking him, cant seem to grasp where he is in reality #TimeTravel?
3. Maybe this whole book is about to blow up into a crazy alien, take over the world kind of book #scifi
4. The Prfct Shot pg.70 by Elaine Marie Alphin, "Its got to be hard for you, too. But this is especially hard on my son." #favquote #fathersonmoments
5. The author of tihs book has a very open, out there type of mind #wasntexpectingthat #bazinga
2. Where is his mind taking him, cant seem to grasp where he is in reality #TimeTravel?
3. Maybe this whole book is about to blow up into a crazy alien, take over the world kind of book #scifi
4. The Prfct Shot pg.70 by Elaine Marie Alphin, "Its got to be hard for you, too. But this is especially hard on my son." #favquote #fathersonmoments
5. The author of tihs book has a very open, out there type of mind #wasntexpectingthat #bazinga
Reading Tweets #1
Retweeted by Dirty Dan
1. The Prfct Shot (20) by Elaine Marie Alphin, this book has entrigued me and has been very suspensful right from the beggining #whatsnext
2. Where Is this kid? cant wrap my finger around it #TPS #yoloswag
3. He seems to be dreaming about different events in his life #ishedead #TPS
Favourited by Kisscolby and 13 others
4. Read about 30 or so pages so far and am still pretty confused as to what has happened to this guy, was he shot? #TPS
5. So easy to relate to this book so far #hospital #childhoodhome #texttoselfrelation
1. The Prfct Shot (20) by Elaine Marie Alphin, this book has entrigued me and has been very suspensful right from the beggining #whatsnext
2. Where Is this kid? cant wrap my finger around it #TPS #yoloswag
3. He seems to be dreaming about different events in his life #ishedead #TPS
Favourited by Kisscolby and 13 others
4. Read about 30 or so pages so far and am still pretty confused as to what has happened to this guy, was he shot? #TPS
5. So easy to relate to this book so far #hospital #childhoodhome #texttoselfrelation
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Quickwrite - Duckling
the thing about the little duckling falling in the sewer is that they arent actually ducks, they are transformers. they simply transformed into a fly in the nick of time and squeezed through the holes. after that they hit up the local dairy queen for some fresh icecream, after that they went to a gas staqtion to get some lottery tickets and won! they paid enough money to pull them out of debt and paid off the rest of their mortgage, and the happy duckling famliy lived happily ever
Quickwrite - Robot
If I were to have my own personalized robot servant, it would be able to fly me anywhere i want. It would basically be a clone of me but, of course its actually a robot,not me cuz im me. it would talk like Morgan Freeman because everybody loves his voice. On my spare time he would be able to poop out a nice toasted B.L.T with a tall glass of chocolate milk. it would always be able to make me happy and always ready to play hockey or lacrosse whenever i nedded him to, he'd be my best friend.
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